Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today's modern telescopes are mainly computer controlled to allow you to view the images you are seeking on a screen. The computers within allow you to save coordinates inside so you can easily view the same point again and again. Also, this allows you to take a photo or video of what you are viewing through the telescope.

Today it is much easier to get involved in astronomy and involve your whole family. Anyone can purchase a small, modern telescope today at a local department store for around $100 which will work just fine for amateur space viewing.


  1. Society today has an absolute advantage of being able to see the far reaches of space through a telescope then years ago. The advancement in science to go from using a telescope to computers and being able to take pictures or video is mesmerizing. To see what the planets around us are like and whether or not there is another form life besides earth. The art, of course, would be the different designs of the telescope over the years. I can only imagine what the future may bring.

  2. Captain Fantastic= Present Telescopes
    Telescopes came along way from the past. Galileo spyglasses like this to the sky 400 years ago and seeing mountains on the Moon and satellites whirling around Jupiter in contravention of the Earth-centered cosmology of Aristotle, Ptolemy and the Bible that had reigned for a thousand years, he changed the world. The James Webb Space Telescope, to be launched in 2014, will make history as the largest infrared observatory ever sent into orbit, which 15 countries are also building. It will also be great for children and school to visit right in their classrooms.

  3. Stacey is right; telescopes have come a long way. Now, it is something that anyone can enjoy and even get the kids involved. Although astronomy was never a personal interest of mine, it is still interesting just how far it has come. Thanks for the information, good topic

  4. Advances in technology and the availability of the telescope have allowed society to be more involved with astronomy and our solar system. Kids in school are able to learn about the sun, different planets and other solar systems. What started as a basic telescope is now one which can be connected to a computer and can produce pictures and videos. Advances such as these allow scientists and astronomers to further their research and inform our society on things that happen on an atmospheric realm, i.e. whether Mars has water molecules or bacteria. As technology increases the arts are also impacted; engineers and scientist are able to create new and better telescopes with increased picture quality.

  5. Technology has allowed us to see what is in space using telescopes. Today’s telescopes are very powerful. Science has benefited from the advances in telescopes. We can learn all kinds of new things that we never knew with these powerful telescopes. Astronomers do not even have to look into the telescopes anymore. All they have to do is look at a computer screen. They also do not have to remember locations of planets and stars in space. Computers and telescopes can locate them for us. The art aspect is involved with the design and size of telescopes. Telescopes can be small or very large. The more advanced telescopes allow astronomers to make maps of space. The technology involved with telescopes will continue to get better in the future.

    Posted by Robert – The Fab Four

  6. the technology of telescopes has come a long way. its crazy to how far astronomers can look into space. now that they can record every thing they look at that shows that it will make it easier to see how the universe works. i know that telescopes are just going to get better and better.

  7. Modern telescopes compared to the telescope my father owned when I was ten years old have advanced drastically. I used to sit in the back yard with him, on a clear night and scope out the differnt stars and constilations. It was very fun to connect that way. But now my boyfriend and I sit in his back yard and experience the sky through his telescope and let me jsut say: WOW. What a difference to what i remember 11 years ago. The images are crisp and clear. I always refer to it as a past time but with the telescopes avaliable these days and at the price they are it will most like remain as a hobbie rather then a memory.

  8. Today’s technology has given us the ability to enjoy astronomy affordably and from our own backyards. The new ways of saving coordinates is very convenient for the frequent star gazer. The options to take pictures of the things you are looking at is an amazing way to turn a hobby into something more. My father is a star gazer and the new technologies such as digital star mapping and the photo options make his hobby something that we can all be involved in by actually getting to see what he sees.

  9. When I look at how much telescopes have evolved, I think back to the very first person who ever used one to look up into the sky. Modern telescopes are so powerful that we can now look at other planets and the stars all around them. I wonder if he realized then and there just how important telescopes would become, and how much they would advance in the future. These devices kick started humans into finding out more about space. Just think of how many people look up at the sky in wonder. We have artists trying to use their imagination, scientists trying research and experiments, and everyday people using their own reasoning to determine what is really out there in space.

  10. The advancement of telesopes have changed in the same way it has changed society, and technology, drastically. Along with technological advancement, society wouldn't be where it is today with our belief system of our planets. The artistic ability of someone to look through a telescope and be able to reproduce that used to be only guessing, now it is concrete evidence. Who knows what the present technology will bring for the future?

  11. The night sky when first gazed as was no doubt brilliant. There was a time when the only light at night came from the moon and stars.

    Unfortunately we don't see the same night sky as those long before us, especially if you live anywhere near a metropolitan area. The lights produced on the ground interfere with our ability to see much of the depth of the sky at night.

    To think we moved from a piece of polished glass wrapped in a leather tube to the Hubble telescope sending us back images from the depths of space is indeed amazing.

  12. One of the better advancements is that the newer telescopes can see more than what the eye can see. The telescopes today help study the universe in almost all aspects of life. Many people have pictures of space as wallpaper on their computers. Studies have helped advance our sciences. It is also has started to show us that we are just tiny specs in this universe.
