Monday, April 26, 2010

The Future of Telescopes

The plan of the future is to design a 100 meter telescope that would be able to acquire 1736 times more light than the Hubble Telescope is capturing today. This obviously would allow for pictures in greater detail, and the ability to observe phenomenon further back in space time. Paul Hickson, a Canadian astronomer proposed a liquid mirror telescope. Though a manned mission to the moon will be required to achieve anything close to the telescope desired, it is simply a question of whether funding is available for such projects.


  1. The design of this piece is obviously a great idea because with such magnitude, the advantages will allow for further investigation into space, but with this technology; you wonder about the effects of this piece on the environment and the financial string it will leave behind.

  2. Since the beginning of time, man has looked to the sky and pondered on the subject of the cosmos. The Hubble Telescope has delivered the most detailed pictures of outer space that we have ever seen. With that said, there have been significant scientific advances in Telescopes since the Hubble’s inception.

    It will benefit society to launch a newer more powerful telescope to show things that the Hubble can’t. who knows what we may be able to see then?

  3. Captain Fantastic
    It’s almost impossible to imagine what a telescope like this could discover. The Hubble telescope has lead to our understanding of space as we know it. Thanks to the Hubble, we know how stars and born and die and that black holes exist. It has observed most of the planets and has taught us how galaxies evolve. If this telescope is that much more powerful than the Hubble, who knows what we can learn about space. The possibilities are endless.

  4. I have never been really into astrology and science as much as the members of your group have. In the past months, I have enjoyed reading the posts and learning something new. The telescope advance already, has something scientific about it. With the new advances in this area, maybe it will become something new that culturally, everyone can enjoy. And when looking at the stars, maybe dreaming of pictures for the artistic point of view. Thanks for posting.

  5. I am always excited when new telescope technology is introduced. A telescope that is more powerful than the Hubble would be a tremendous advancement in space exploration. I hope this planned man mission to the moon becomes a reality to see this telescope used to its fullest potential.

  6. I think this is awesome, maybe this way we will finally be able to see extra-terrestrials. I think seeing outside the perimeter of the earth is very important, many og us, in cluding me, want to know whats out there. Having a telescope stronger then Hubble will definetly allow for this. The Hubble gave us alot of our prior knowledge, who knows what else we will know. Science will take a leap knowing that they can use the knowledge we will gain to explore new alternatives. Culture will change becuase we will all be discussing the new discoveries and if we come to find there other life forms, the government will have to shut up about hidding it once and for all. Artists will produce to spacial pictures have new knowledge of what they shhould be painting.

  7. Telescopes like this are made possible by advances in technology. This would have never been possible in the past. The Hubble Telescope was very useful for science. A new telescope that is better will benefit science even more. Scientists and astronomers will gain a better understanding of space with a more powerful telescope. Society will learn from these scientist’s and astronomer’s discoveries. The new telescope may even get people interested in space who were never really interested before. Once scientists and astronomers use this new telescope, they will be able to draw pictures of things that have never been seen before. This would bring a new art perspective to society.

    Posted by Robert – The Fab Four

  8. The fact that we may be able to see even clearer pictures of the galaxy is incredible. The images we are seeing today seemed impossible yesterday. It is fascinating to see what the different planets and stars look like from afar. Society will certainly learn a great deal more about the planets surrounding us. Science may finally be able to discover if there really is life beyond earth.

  9. It is unfortunate that funding may not be available for a project like this, since understanding space and our place in this universe is important. Maybe a telescope of this magnitude would reveal things we would have never even imagined possible. Then again, it is hard to say that observing space is more important than making sure our own planet can continue to prosper. If we can't afford it, we will simply have to wait until we can.

  10. This will be great for everyone involved. We will have better technology to see more and because of this, we be able see more. It will create a new window of opportunity amongst the artist, they can capture a picture of this and create something beautiful. Society will benefit as well, it will be enjoyable for many to view this as well.

  11. I'm confused as to why the trip to the moon is required to achieve this telescope. As it stands now, society could benefit greatly from a trip to the moon and this telescope. It could help create new industries to develop the technologies required to build this telescope. A trip to the moon could also open the possibility of a lunar base. The positive implications of such are too great to even imagine.

  12. I do not understand why any country would fund anything like this. Every country is in dept in some way or form and this does really nothing really. Seeing a planet just help this planet in anyway shape or form.
